Sunday, March 9, 2025

A Heartfelt Tribute to the Women Who Shaped Me

I want to thank all the women who have made me who I am. Not that men have not played the role to shape me but it would not be exaggeration to say that I am a women shaped man. As the old saying goes “It takes the whole village/community to raise a child”. I think we are shaped by a lot of people we meet in our lives, how they talk to us, how they relate to us, how they have encouraged us, how they have held us accountable, how they have guided us. More importantly how they have stood strong beside me, given a shoulder to cry, helped carry my emotional burden and fed me.

I want to take this opportunity to thank all the women, starting with my hero – my mom. The superwomen who single handedly played the role of my father, mother, brother, sister, friend, teacher and so on and so forth. The person who knows me inside out and still loves me so deeply. If I were to tell in depth, this blog will become never ending, but if you are interested to know more – read here.

Then I have my grandmother who is no more, but her contribution lives in me. I remember here so fondly with all the stories she told to my cousins and me. She was the real “Thakuma” from “Thakumar jhuli khulbe” (Bengali story reference) She laid a very strong foundation in my life, of imagination and love for poems and stories. I wish I could pick up the reading habit from her. But having said that she was a brilliant teacher and somewhere I also got those traits. So, I often wish, she lived a little more to see me give a speech or write a blog. Then comes my aunties, my masis, mamis, buas and my mom’s friends. One particular friend who was more than family to us, I know their extended family and almost raised by them in many circumstances. Coming back to my aunties – we have a strong bond of story telling got that in heritage from Grandma.

              When it comes to teachers, we know how they shape us, I am not naming anyone here but I will mention the name of my favourite teacher Naidu Mam, (she no longer uses that name after marriage). She inspired me big time, I owe a lot to here. She fondly called me “Babu moshai”. And amount of confidence she had in her students, including me, have transformed us and still inspires us to become better person every day.

              Then comes my Church family, all the didi’s and bhabhi’s I have had. From helping them in kitchen and sharing endless stories in the kitchen to practically work with some of the finest women I have known. The amount of love, grace, compassion and forgiveness I witnessed in my church community is surely something that keeps me going. Then there are artist women, some good at singing, some at hospitality, some painters and other writers who inspired me to take art seriously.

A special mention of my Pastor’s wife, you have been a support system for me, my spiritual mother. By mere words, by my mere actions you know what is going on in my life. And with just few encouraging words you have changed my course of action. You have been a trusted councillor, a healer, a guide, most importantly someone who never gave up on me and keeps guiding in right direction. You are the person who never thought twice before correcting me, even for small things or big things. Your endless trust and input are deeply valued and have shaped me in who I am.

Then I have my youth group friends, and younger girls who have turned into powerful women now, who challenged me a lot. My peers who asked difficult question, prayed for me. Pushed me, challenged me to do things, which I generally would not do. From having open discussion about difficult topics to just giving their perspective, I have learnt a lot from them. Without which I would have had only a lopsided understanding of life and relationships.


A special mention to a foreigner friend who became a very close friend. You know who you are, thanks for adding me to your “Weird club” sharing your bestie with me. And to that bestie who taught me so many things, from chivalry to a lot more things about relationship, about writing and about life in whole. Someone who wrote a song for me, you know you have played a very vital role in shaping me, for the person I am. Thank you for teaching me to value and cherish small talks, talks that are not very important. Thanks for teaching me the art of sharing the story in full context and so many other things you taught me.

              Also want to thank my other foreign friends, who are my pen pals, thanks for writing to me, and sharing your life over letters, mails and sometimes via calls too.

              Towards the end I would also like to mention about my colleagues who have turned into friends, and some into best friend. I never imagined having such close relationship with colleagues. Forget close relationship, I lived in the dilemma whether a boy and girl be a good friend, and came from a school of thought, that “no” it is not possible. But having friends who are as crazy as you and having the same wavelength as you are incredible. I have found a friend, a sister in a colleague, you know who are I don’t have to mention your name here. You helped me relive my life again, you helped me to be a kid again and perhaps all those year where I earned to have a sibling, specially a sister to fight with, or make moments like “Gadi nikal, gadi nikal… “Oh man if I were to write all the “kands” we have done together, the blog will become too lengthy, so please bear with me.

              This list will be incomplete if I don’t mention my zabardasti ka friend, who came in my life like a surprise. From starting on a bad interrogatory mode to become very good friends, what a journey we have travelled together. I am grateful for this friend, who never failed to give me titles on titles and was a very keen listeners to all my gibberish chatter. And would share endless gibberish chatter. Thank you for shaping me, and teaching me about swimming principle of shallow and deep. One who is helping me to face my emotions better, who have helped me to think with heart as much as from the brain. Thank you for chiselling me.

I know this is more like a page of my diary but hope it does give you a window to think about all the women in who would have impacted and shaped you. How they walk with you, taught you to talk, walk, eat, sing and do all that you do. For the women who work selflessly and tirelessly to make this world a better place, I think every man would agree with me saying that the world would be mess without women. A natural instinct for caring and nurturing for others. Strong men are created by strong women, cultured, graced and one taught and raised like a prince. I am writing this to thank every woman, and inspire you to do so. So, here is my small thank you note to all the women. 

Thursday, August 26, 2021

Tangled - Uljhan

Tangled - Uljhan, the word is stuck in my head. I took a silly challenge to untangle a manza 

(a thread used for flying kites) for a weird reason. Those who know what it feels like would immediately be flooded with the times they have tried to untangle it. Mind you it is a very dangerous thread, that can cut your fingers very easily. Generally, it is suggested to get a new set rather than trying to untangle it. Yet, there is a category of people who would like to give it a shot. It's very fussy but it was like solving a puzzle for me.

I looked at it as a metaphor for my life. And I want to surrender myself to God. I can untangle the manza but not my life. And as I was patiently working to solve the puzzle, step by step looking for the one end and trying to untangle it. It felt so good to solve a complex math problem and solutions are flowing step by step (primary level math - please I am no mathematician). I felt that what if I just allowed God to take me through a similar journey, and that can happen if only I allow Him to guide me.


Prayer: I am willing God, take the end and start untangling, the joy would be mutual. I have messed up, but I know You can untangle me gently and patiently. Having confidence in this that You made me, and You made me for a purpose and I won't find rest unless I am found doing that. I pray and come before You tangled, will you untangle me?


Monday, February 15, 2016

Saint by day, monster by night

How can I cheat God, it doesn’t feel right
Being a saint by day and monster by night
Killing my conscience byte after byte
It's all grey nor black, not white
Fantasies that take wild flight
Why do I keep losing this fight?
Am I trying to hide or  am I out of sight?
What happened to being salt and light?
Defeated by choice or by might?
I am no soldier and I am no knight
Jesus, it’s only You who can make me right
But I beg O! Lord please expedite
Its only in You, I want to delight.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Digital India and my views

Lately #DigitalIndia have brought a lot of discussion around me, especially after I ended up supporting it on Facebook. Well, I get very limited time on internet and so I rarely dig deep into the news and find out what it is all about, I must say its very dangerous and I should not do that.  Confessions; I must dig into what I am doing and what I am saying. Guess what? I still support Digital India.
I am a simple person. I don't talk much about politics, simply because I don't understand it, but it seems one need to be very careful to say anything, because nowadays everything can be considered against anyone and it can quickly escalate to become political. While doing my research about Digital India I stumbled on this great article which is wisely penned and I think it captures the heart of Digital India as well as of what our Prime Minister is doing. You can read it here. And my conclusion or what I have always thought have reflected well in the article.  To quote from the article it says : “Whats app is just technology. It’s neither good nor bad. It just depends on how we use it - to share farming tips or get blood boiling.   And to put it in my words, most of the technology or any invention is neither good nor bad, it just depends on how we use it. Its not the technology or any other thing that is bad but as some wise man put it in this words “The heart of the problem is the problem of heart.” Most of the things are neutral, its our greed, lust and selfishness which makes it bad. Anything good, no matter how good it is when it falls in the hand of a fallen man, its for sure that it will get tainted, no matter how hard we try, we have greasy hands, stained with sins, so whatever we touch will be bad and corrupted.
Well, coming back to why I support Digital India. I totally had different thoughts about digital India, whereas lot of people are thinking its Facebook trying to control the market on the other hands there are rumors that Mr. Modi want to have a database and he want to be a dictator, or to put in exact words “He want to be God”. Well your rumors or what your wise prophecy might be true, it doesn't really bother me. Because I consider internet as education, I consider that it have that power to liberate, help people to connect to the world. We always have been afraid of new things, new technologies, change have always brought debate, confusion and worry along with it. But it is good, when used rightly, it have always liberated us. Well to counter that I would say, don't we worry too much about our politics, and kings too much, just because he is saying or doing things to become “God”; will he? We should remember from the past, specifically from the Biblical history(also history in general) is that God is sovereign and He chose different people but to do His will, so it should not bother us really, because God is sovereign and He is in control. So end of the day, rest in peace, you are in good hands.

Then, there are people who accused me a lot saying, we should focus on the farmers first, we should solve the suicide issues first and then talk about Digital India. Well, there are issues, and they will always will, we can talk about our crime rate, we can talk about our small mindset, we can talk about religious instability, Khap panchayat, traditional taboos, and the list goes on, which is still holding us back from bringing anything new and changing. Education liberates, we should embrace that, and I am really thankful today I am able to think and relate, write so much about the topic only because I got education, I wonder if we would have debate few years back, Right to Education is not that important, let us first try to fix the farmers issue, lets try to bring them to a better position first and then talk about Education. Well my point is both are parallel issues, neither can take the position of another, I know that farmers remain in poor condition and its a high time that Government should form a better policy for it, but again coming back to first rule, not that there are no efforts taken for that, maybe its not adequate, but end of the day, I think issue lies with the human heart. Unless we are willing to deal with the issue with our hearts, we will be going in circles.
At last I must say, neither its digitalization, nor education or good governance can solve our issues, its a heart issue and we must look for a new heart.  

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Journey Update

I have not told you of my where about from a loooooooong time. Honestly I have not come back and revived my blog and I have left it orphaned from ages. But lets get back to business. I am not here to tell you folks, that I am back, perhaps I am just here to announce, work is still in progress.

So lets get back to journey, today I want to tell you about my journey update again. So honestly it’s the mode or the time where the traveler is in desert, he is feeling lost, he is not sure if he took the wrong turn. He is not finding any signboards, he is tired, thirsty, hungry and just trying his level best to come back on the highway. But nothing seems to be working, he is stuck in a desert for long time, idea of direction, and progress are meaningless, all you can see is vast ocean of sand and sand alone. Not a single human soul, but only few fellow travelers who are also wandering, they feel the same way I feel but yet it seems we are on very different journeys.

The traveler is longing for joy, love and peace. He is longing for someone who will understand and walk along with him, speak to him and encourage him to carry on even when it is tough to know where he is heading and what lies ahead. Not that he knows not where he is going but right now, he is weak that his brain is not functioning properly. The weather and the stand storms of the desert are life threatening, and the traveler is long struck in this desert and he forgot the count of the number of storms he have faced here.

Is there a hope for traveler, off course there is because some one said not all wanderers are lost. The traveler is not willing to give up, because he is sure of the help; he knows the way he have chosen is not wrong and surely he desires the destination more than his life. And surely help will come from above. It might take sometime, some wear and tear, some lessons to be learned, the traveler must discipline and learn new thing on this adventure ride. Definitely he learned few, but right now he is feeling so lost that those lessons are mere lessons and he is starting to feel what a wise man said long ago, vanity of vanity, everything is vanity under the sun. He is realizing that how everything is meaningless under the sun. He is crying out for help, he is crying out to his creator that he will open his eyes and show him the highway again, to help him not to give up the journey. To strengthen the weakened knees. To help him not to doubt himself, or his choice of the journey. The traveler knows he started journey because of his crazy love towards his Master. And he can die but not give up on traveling. But I must tell you even in the midst of the desert there are few thing very significant. The traveler never ran out of food or of clothes or of any basic need, far more than that whenever he cried for any such thing. He suffered no serious illness other than what normally one faces in a desert. He is healthy, wealthy and well taken care of. Only thing he wants to do is to find the way out again and come back and walk on the highway.
Because the Lord of traveler says to him: "He gives power to the faint, and to him who has no might he increases strength." (Isaiah 40:29) The traveler truly waits upon  his Lord to renew his strength.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Letter to God: Cry for help

Dear Dad,
I am reminded of Your word which says “All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way;” Isaiah 53:6 and I surely believe if we are not depending on You, we are going nowhere but astray. Surely Lord, as I review my previous year, look into my prayer log, I have found the year is spent in crying and lamenting but I see no efforts really taken to come back to You and seek Your help, although I have cried a lot but all seem to say, “God help me” but it felt like I still want to be in control, but as I gear up and hear from You and the message that we heard on Sunday about letting go, of giving our lives to You, and I want to honestly want to live for You and in Your strength, I cant do this on my own.  I am tired of going astray, I surely need to realign my life to the Shepherd, I want to lay down all the distractions, I want to bring everything to altar that is becoming hindrance for me to reach and hear the voice of my Shepherd.
Honestly speaking Dadda, I find myself in midway and I don't even know which way to go? Lost sheep knows nothing but helpless cries out to the Shepherd and that’s all I do. But deep down I know my Shepherd is nearby and He is more concerned about me than I am? He loves me, He cares for me, He calls me by my name, He gives me rest, He is the good Shepherd whom David describes in Psalm 23. I know my help is near, I just pray that I will meet my deliverer soon, I wait in a dry and thirsty land for Your visit.
But I can depend upon You and I want to end the letter with the words of the Psalmist who says.” I have gone astray like a lost sheep; seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.” Psalm 119: 176
Your son,
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