I love You Dad and thank You for everything You have done for us. I am really awestruck for the way You love us. Inspite of all my shortcomings You never give up on us and we are thankful for same.
You are unchanging God; one who never changes and neither does Your love. You love us with unconditional love(Agape) we are not worthy of this love but just because of You only You and Your character which is love(unconditional) I can exist and enjoy and know about love and think about love. Understand the greatest commandment Love your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind. (Matthew 22:37) Apostle John tells its You who loved us first not we(1 John 4:19). But our love is just a small expression and overflow of Your love dwelling in our hearts. We were darkness and our heart is desperately wicked.(Jeremiah 17:9) But You oh Lord You have given us a heart of flesh and indwelling of Holy Spirit; living waters flows from our heart.(Ezekiel 36:26)
A lot of things that I know not? Many questions remains unanswered but yet we know those questions are just thoughts but does this questions will stop me following and experiencing You my loving God. Above all questions my heart longs to see You, feel You, speak to You and hear from You. I love You and know You as living God who cares for me, loves me inspite of all my shortcomings and my sinful rebellion against You.
A lot goes around the world everyday, every single second politics, economics, lifestyle, entertainment, social studies, education and science. Every single day they haunt us Daddy but its a pleasure to know that You are sovereign over all thing and all things are in Your control. That nothing is out of Your knowledge and not under Your control; that You have planned each and everything and as Your word promises that “All things God works for those who have been called according to his purpose”. (Romans 8:28) And You are looking after us in midst of all thing heaps and heaps of problem, Your grace is showered on us without fail. And You walk with us in all this problems and help us have peace in our hearts which surpasses all the understanding. God teach me to come out of my shell and marvel at You, Your beauty and all Your never ending wonders. Allow me to praise You for who You are. Without Your eyes I am blind but I know You gave sight to all blind who asked to You and I am sure You have restored my sight help me see the things You want me to see and not what I think I should see. Teach me and guide me to walk in Your ways.
Thanking You,
Your disobedient but loving son,
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